Coahoma Community College Center for Teaching and Learning supports enhanced learning
and teaching excellence by providing faculty and staff educators with high-impact
professional learning opportunities and engaging faculty as collaborative partners
in all student success initiatives.
The Center for Excellence of Teaching and Learning (CETL) highly values faculty from
diverse backgrounds and incorporates these perspectives into all aspects of our activities.
We view faculty’s diversity as a resource, strength, and benefit to Coahoma Community
College and its partners.
The CETL is mindful to present materials and activities that are respectful of diversity,
gender, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, origin,
and culture. The suggestions, recommendations, and initiatives of all CCC faculty
are encouraged and appreciated.
We encourage all parties to notify the CETL of ways to improve the effectiveness of
this center for you personally or for other faculty and faculty groups.
Using the science of learning and development as a foundation, CCC will highlight
the connections among robust academic achievement, innovative methods of instruction,
and the welcoming, safe, supportive environments for learning that must exist for
students to thrive.